A good preparation is extremely important to maximize the bidding price on an auction. A picture tells more then a thousand words, a gallery of top pictures is priceless !
With these guidelines we want to help you to make the perfect set of pictures of your car! This will maximize the bidding!
1. Clean the car
Prepare the car if you are going to a concourse ! Wash and clean the exterior, take out every item which does not belong in the car. Clean the windows, vacuum the interior and the trunk. Make sure there are no leafs from trees or debris in your engine bay.
2. Chose a location and time for the foto-shoot
Shoot the pictures outside and not in the full sun. Choose a time early in the morning or later in the afternoon when the sun is going down. This will provide you with smooth, soft light. If there is to much light go to a place in the shade. Shoot at a location which has a simple background with no visual distractions like trees, signs, traffic lights. Keep the same background during the whole shoot. Keep the car at the same place and keep the camera at the same place for the exterior pictures. Only shoot the car inside when there is no possibility outside.
3. Shoot the exterior
Stay at the same place as photographer, mark the place where you are standing with a small item so that you can return to exactly the same camera standpoint. Make pictures from all angles of the car. Start with driver side and passenger side, front and back. Then shoot from 45 degrees from all angles from every side. Shoot these pictures from eye hight and from an app. 1 meter high camera stand point. Do the same with the camera approximately 30 centimers above the ground. Shoot the same pictures with doors open, top open, sunroof open and closed. Do the same with the lighsts on. Shoot the wheels and rims, tyre sizes and brand. Shoot chrome details, grilles and ornaments. Shoot pictures of the gaps between the bodypanels.
4. Shoot the interior
Make overview pictures and detail pictures. Make sure you have covered the whole interior. Make detail pictures of the seats, gauges, doorcards, gearshifter. Look for nice details. If possible make pictures from the floors also with the floor mats out
5. Shoot the engine bay
Make sure the engine bay is as clean as possible before you start. Take the pictures in the way that you see all of the enigine bay. Take them from different sides of the car. Make pictures of components like the injection system or carboretors, the ignition, alternator Take pictures of the stickers, engine stamps, vinplates, vinstamps. Take pictures of everything you would like to see when bying a car online !
6. Shoot the underside
Make pictures of the whole underside, if possible use a lift. If you do not have acces to a lift put the car on ramps or stands. Take pictures of the wheel wells. Make pictures of the engine, transmission, suspension, rockers, brakes etc. If there is any rust or damage, make a pictures of it.
7. Shoot accesoires an servicebooks
Make pictures of the toolkit, the jack, the maintenance books, the stamps in the maintenance book, the instruction book, invoices on maintenance or restoration. Shoot spare parts if they come with the car.
8. Shoot everything
Make sure that you pictures also include parts of the vehicle which are not so nice ! Dents, rust, damage, leaks, show it all.An honest presentation will keep you out of trouble after the auction.
To maximize to bis on your car we ask you to send minimum of 100 pitures.
Picture checklist
Profesional Photshoot Offer
We offer a perfect fotoshoot for you vehicle for € 199,- including VAT. A professional photographer will come to you and make the pictures you need to register your car on our site.
We offer this service for this moment in Belgium, parts of Germany, Netherlands and Luxembourg.